Please note that all grants must remain entirely anonymous.
Giving Guidelines

The Domanada Foundation considers grant proposals from organizations that are:
- Christ-centered, with a primary focus on theological education, leadership development or issues of justice and compassion;
- Located in Central and Eastern Europe or the Chicago area, where ongoing, face-to-face relationship is possible;
- New, small or mid-sized;
- Requesting a grant proposal strategically designed to build the organization’s funding base, especially through matching grants or focused on specific projects with clearly defined goals;
- And, registered in the U.S. as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
The Domanada Foundation generally will not consider grant proposals that:
- Provide funding exceeding 5% of an organization’s annual budget;
- Provide institutional support for larger non-profit organizations and ministries;
- Fund building projects or endowments;
- Provide personal support or academic scholarships for specific individuals or families;
- Address financial problems within an organization;
- Support organizations that we cannot visit on a regular basis;
- Or includes multi-year proposals.
The Domanada Foundation can make a final determination regarding a grant proposal when the following is submitted:
- A concise grant proposal.
A one-page executive summary must accompany all proposals. Please include a brief description of the ministry or organization, the amount of the request, and the specific use of the requested funds. - A copy of the organization’s current annual budget and list of the Board of Directors.
- A copy of the organization’s IRS 501(c) 3 designation letter.
Please note that all grants must remain entirely anonymous.
Contact Us
209 East Liberty Drive
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: (630) 221-9130
Fax: (630) 221-9223