About Us
“The proper aim of giving is to put the recipients in a state where they no longer need our gifts.”
C.S. Lewis.
The Domanada Foundation seeks to help identify and obtain the educational, human and financial resources necessary to support an organization in accomplishing its mission.
A stated goal of the Domanada Foundation is to “demystify” the process of grant making. Often it seems that grant applicants feel they have to cautiously probe about, stealthily discerning the exact words and actions required before a foundation agrees to release the desired funds. The Domanada Foundation would like the process of grant making to be open, honest, and transparent on all sides. Thus, our process is almost always through face-to-face conversation rather than impersonal written communication.
C.S. Lewis wrote “The proper aim of giving is to put the recipients in a state where they no longer need our gifts”. With that goal, our desire is that our grants assist organizations as they strengthen their financial base so as to sustain the ongoing work of their ministry. For a new organization, this means helping build a broad donor base, ideally involving several categories of donors. With established organizations, this means helping expand and deepen their donor base so they can launch into new areas of service.
The normal method of grant making in each of these cases is a matching grant. The primary purpose of the matching grant is not to fund a specific project or program, but rather to stimulate new giving to the organization.
In essence, the matching grant is best used as a fundraising tool to encourage new donors to become involved or to inspire existing donors to give more sacrificially.
Contact Us
209 East Liberty Drive
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: (630) 221-9130
Fax: (630) 221-9223